CMETB Youth Services announce funding to benefit local youth groups in Cavan and Monaghan
Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB) Youth Services are delighted to announce funding of approx. €150,000 to support local youth groups across Cavan and Monaghan.
There are three funding streams available that are now open for applications which include the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme, the Youth Club Equipment Grant Scheme, and the Integration Grant to Support to Ukrainian (Migrant) Young People.
These funding streams will support youth work activities for young people in Cavan and Monaghan and promote youth opportunity, engagement and inclusion at a local level. Voluntary youth groups/clubs from the region are invited to apply.
The Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (Maximum grant allocation – €3000) aims to support voluntary youth club/group activities for young people; with priority given to clubs/groups catering for young people aged 10–21.
The primary focus of the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme is to assist local volunteer-led youth clubs/groups that provide a programme of youth work activities for young people. In addition, other clubs/groups that work with young people, but are not specifically providing youth work, are also entitled to apply for funding under the Scheme.
The Youth Club Equipment Grant Scheme (Maximum grant allocation – €750) is funded by The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth). This funding is available in 2023 for a small capital equipment grant for youth clubs or similar organisation that have or are in receipt of a grant under the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme.
Integration Grant Supports to Ukraine (Migrant) Young People (Maximum grant allocation – €1000). The Integration Grant is available to set up youth clubs that bring together local and young people who have fled from the war in Ukraine with a view to providing young person led activities, and opportunities for integration and cultural exchanges across the community. The aim of the funding is to provide activities in existing youth clubs as they engage with new communities of young people who have fled from the war in Ukraine and assist in their integration with their new communities.
The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday, 28 April at 5pm.
Applications forms (both hard copy / online version) are available from: www.cmetb.ie/youth-services