Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme

Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme

Under the VTOS programme the long-term unemployed can participate in full-time training, without losing their benefits. This in effect means that people who were in receipt of unemployment payments prior to going on VTOS will be paid a training allowance equivalent to the maximum standard rate of Unemployment Benefit. The allowance will be paid for the duration of the course-including all holiday periods. As it will not be means-tested, VTOS participants may also take up part-time work without affecting their payments.

The aims of the scheme are:

  • To give unemployed people education and training opportunities which will develop their employability.
  • To prepare people to go into paid employment or on to further opportunities leading to paid employment.

Places are available on this scheme for those receiving:

  • Unemployment Assistance/Unemployment Benefit.
  • One-Parent Family Payment.
  • Disability Allowance/Disability Benefit/Invalidity Pension.
Image of learner styling hair
Image of learner styling hair

To participate on the VTOS scheme all candidates must be in receipt of one of the above for a minimum of six months and be at least 21 years of age. Travel and meal allowances are also payable.

Please note a person who receives a VTOS Training Allowance will not qualify for the ESF Maintenance Grant as well. Exemptions to this rule are people in receipt of the One Parent Family Payment & the Disability Allowance. For full details please contact as below.

There are a variety of subject areas to choose from including Information Technology, Childcare, Tourism, Art, Craft & Design, Sport & Recreation, Community Care and Nursing. Courses are certified by the Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) at Level 5 i.e. Post Leaving Certificate.

It is also possible to offer Level 3 and Level 4 options for those who have been away from study for some time, subject to demand.

There are currently 40 places available on VTOS in Monaghan Institute and 40 in Cavan Institute. Priority will be given to those with less than upper second level education on entry.

Contact Cavan Institute

Adrienne Cunningham
Cavan Institute
Cathedral Road
T: 049 4332633
E: adriennecunningham@cavaninstitute.ie

Contact Monaghan Institute

Denise McKenna
Monaghan Institute
Armagh Road
T: 047 84900
E: denisemckenna@cmetb.ie

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