

Welcome to the Post-Primary Schools section of the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board website.

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s Second Level schools form an essential part of the communities in which they are located. They are multi-denominational and co-educational and deliver an all-round inclusive education for young people, enabling them to reach their full potential in society. They empower students, teachers and parents to achieve educational progress in a positive and encouraging atmosphere.

Programmes being offered in our community colleges include:

  • Junior Certificate
  • Junior Certificate Schools Programme Transition Year
  • Leaving Certificate
  • Leaving Certificate Applied Programme
  • Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

A full range of subjects including languages, the humanities, arts, technologies and science is offered at both junior and senior cycle. Students are encouraged to take part in all aspects of school life including extra-curricular activities like drama, music, debating, and sport.

Paddy Flood
Director of Schools

Image of Paddy Flood, Director of Schools
Image of Paddy Flood, Director of Schools
Image of Ballybay College

Ballybay Community College

Image of Beechhill College

Beech Hill College

Image of breifne College

Breifne College

Castleblayney College

Castleblayney College

Image of dunanri college

Coláiste Dún an Rí

Image of oiriall college

Coláiste Oiriall

Inver College Image

Inver College


Largy College


Monaghan Community Special School

St Bricins College

St Bricin’s College

St Mogues College Image

St Mogue’s College

Virginia College Image

Virginia College

Image of Ballybay College

Ballybay Community College

Image of Beechhill College

Beech Hill College

Image of breifne College

Breifne College

Castleblayney College

Castleblayney College

Image of dunanri college

Coláiste Dún an Rí

Image of oiriall college

Coláiste Oiriall

Inver College Image

Inver College


Largy College


Monaghan Community Special School

St Bricins College

St Bricins College

St Mogues College Image

St Mogue’s College

Virginia College Image

Virginia College

Our Locations

Our Locations