Quality Assurance and Enhancement Service

Quality Assurance and Enhancement Service

The Quality Assurance and Enhancement Service at Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board stipulates as its mission “to enable Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board to provide Learner-Centred education and training that consistently conforms to the highest national standards”. This reflects the commitment of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board and its constituent services to developing a culture of quality which ensures that anyone participating in programmes of further education and training, at any of its locations, is confident of  a quality assured experience.

For further information on Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s approach to quality assurance and enhancement, please follow the links below.

Image of Quality Assurance and Enhancement Service Logo

Image of people working
Image of people working

QQI Inaugural Review: Provider Profile

QQI Inaugural Review: Provider Profile

QQI Inaugural Review: Self-Evaluation Report

QQI Inaugural Review: Self-Evaluation Report


Image of Overview of Service Locations in Cavan and Monaghan

Image of Overview of Service Locations in Cavan and Monaghan

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board was formally established in July 2013 upon enactment of the Education and Training Boards Act 2013. Operationalised through the merger of the two existing Vocational Education Committees (VECs) in Counties Cavan and Monaghan, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board successfully completed the transfer of the training function from Louth and Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB) in September 2015.

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board offers a broad range of education and training services to over 12,000 learners across eleven post-primary schools and fourteen Further Education and Training (FET) centres. Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board also provides a range of youthwork services and is responsible for the delivery of the Music Generation programme locally. The Garage Theatre, which incorporates a 289-seat auditorium, and Tanagh Outdoor Education and Training Centre also come under the remit of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board. In addition, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board also provides training at Loughan House Open Prison in association with the Irish Prison Service.

As one of the region’s principal employers, employing over 1,300 full-time and part-time staff, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board plays a pivotal role in the economic and social life of the Cavan-Monaghan region, as well as the wider Border and North-East regions. Consequently, ongoing trust and confidence in the programmes and supports provided by Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is critical to its success and the success of the local, regional and national economies.

Led by the Director of FET, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board FET Services deliver a broad range of full-time and part-time programmes and supports to individuals via a network of centres as outlined above.

1a.  Over-arching Institution Quality Policy – Current Legacy Provision & Quality Assurance Development at Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board

Following the amalgamation of County Cavan VEC, County Monaghan VEC and the former SOLAS Training Services in the Cavan-Monaghan area, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is currently a legacy provider for Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), operating under four separate Quality Assurance agreements. In order to achieve its mission, and keeping in line with core principles, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is focused on developing, implementing and monitoring an integrated Quality Assurance (QA) system across Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board that will deliver to the needs of learners and employers.

As a result of integration, the following legacy QA agreements are in place with QQI since 2006.

1 FETAC QA Agreement – Cavan Institute

Part one containing Communications, Equality, Staff Recruitment, Admissions, Appeals, Induction, Substance Abuse, Attendance, RPL, Work Experience, Programme Development, Delivery and Review and Assessment Policy and Procedures,  click here.

Part two containing  Examination Guidelines for Tutors, Policy Procedure for the Protection of Learners, Self-Evaluation of Programmes and Services, Special Educational needs Pro-forma, Equality Pro-forma click here.  For more information or any further Cavan Institute QA enquiries, please contact the centre directly.

2 FETAC QA Agreement – Cavan Adult Education Services including Cavan-Based Youthreach.  For Pages 1 – 51 click here.  For Pages 52 – 100 click here and for pages 101 – 135 click here.

 3 FETAC QA Agreement – Monaghan Institute and Monaghan Adult Education & Monaghan-based Youthreach Services (combined)

Loughan House, an open prison located in Blacklion, West Cavan, also falls under agreement 2 above.

Other QA systems/agreements in effect:

4 CMETB Training Services – The Transitional Quality Assurance System transferred from Louth Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB) Regional Skills Training Centre, Dundalk to CMETB in September 2015

  • Youthreach Quality Framework
  • QA Systems of the above with non-QQI Awarding Bodies.(For further information on these, please contact the CMETB Quality Assurance and Enhancement team).

CMETB has re-engaged with Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), the independent state agency responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland.   For further information on QQI, please refer to www.qqi.ie.  It is a statutory requirement and a quality objective of CMETB to ensure compliance with QQI Core Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines (April 2016) and Sector Specific Guidelines for ETB’s (May 2017).

1b. Revised Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures under integrated Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Services

Quality Assurance Development

Image of Structure of Quality Assurance

Image of Structure of Quality Assurance

In engendering the philosophy that ‘quality is the responsibility of all,’  Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is acutely aware of the importance of creating a culture of quality at all levels of the organisation. This philosophy is to the forefront of how Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board operates on a daily basis as espoused through its mission, vision and core values. This commitment to, and focus on quality, is further instilled in Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s dedicated QAES mission statement. This vision is operationalised through the QAES Team’s structure as a dedicated FET-wide support, with its role concentrated on enabling each service to manage its own quality provision, thereby maximising the impact of the subsidiarity principle.

This is being actively achieved through the QAES Team’s focus on supporting the development of an integrated Quality Assurance and Enhancement  system across FET. The methodology being employed is one of collaboration, with ongoing support, participation and co-operation from all centres and services fundamental to its long-term adoption and success.

This approach also feeds into ongoing efforts at embedding a quality culture, with Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s FET Strategy, Strategic Performance Agreement (SPA) and Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) acting as key conduits for the achievement of the organisational and Quality Assurance and Enhancement mission statements, vision and core values.

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is committed to developing an integrated set of policies and procedures in line with the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board FET Strategy 2021-2024 and the core Quality Assurance principles guiding the approach to FET planning at Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board are as follows:

In line with its mission, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is committed to a learner and employer centred approach to education and training development and delivery.

This is informed by evidenced based programme development and delivery.

Programmes offered are employment focused in line with workforce development plans and are actively inclusive.

The response to these requirements are innovative, flexible and timely.

All provision is informed through consultation both internally and externally.

Quality Assurance and Enhancement  processes aim to be transparent and accountable across all  services.

The development of a comprehensive suite of quality assurance policies and procedures which are common to the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board organisation as a fully integrated entity will be a long-term project.  As new common policies and procedures are developed and approved by the appropriate governance structure within Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board, they will be published on this website and will replace the existing localised policies which are currently in operation and particular to each centre.

1c   Delivering Quality – Quality Assurance Roles and Responsibilities at Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board

Image of Values of Quality Assurance

Image of Values of Quality Assurance

Underpinning the transition from legacy provision to integrated policies and procedures are dedicated teams of teaching and learning professionals, operating with a clear quality focus.

The Chief Executive of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is ultimately responsible for the oversight of Further Education and Training and its quality assurance policies and procedures. The Director of Further Education and Training reports to the Chief Executive of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board and is responsible for the delivery of high quality and responsive FET provision as well as the governance and management of FET in the Cavan and Monaghan region. As part of this structure, the Director of Organisation Support and Development reports to the Chief Executive of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board and is responsible for assisting the Chief Executive in the leadership of the organisational administrative function and the governance and management of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board services. The Chief Executive and these Directors form the Senior Management Team (SMT) of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board.

Further Education and Training (FET) Management Team

In an overall FET context, the FET Management Team consists of the Director of FET, and two representatives from each of the FE colleges, the Training Services Manager, Adult Education Officer, Youthreach representatives and  Director of Quality Assurance & Enhancement. They meet approx. 6 times per annum to review the implementation of strategy and operational issues including Quality Assurance.

Service-level Roles and Governance Structures in FET at Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board

The roles and teams that are responsible for the governance of quality at service-level varies across the services.  The heads of each service report directly to the FET Director, and are supported at Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board level in their delivery of FET programmes by individuals with dedicated responsibility for quality within their service and the QAES team.

Further Education in the two Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Further Education Colleges

Image of Word Cloud of Quality Assurance

Image of Word Cloud of Quality Assurance

Centre-level responsibility for quality resides with the Director, supported by the Deputy Director(s). Further Education Colleges deliver QQI awards, as well as awards from other certification bodies. Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board level oversight of QQI delivery is managed through a newly introduced system of review of certification rates as reported by the QAES team to the QA Subgroup. Currently oversight for non-QQI awards resides at centre level.

Training Services

The Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Training Service is run by the Training Services Manager, supported by an Assistant Manager.  Day-to day responsibility for assessments and monitoring is supported by the Quality Assurance and Enhancement function.  The Training Service deliver courses leading to QQI certification, as well as delivering courses leading to non-QQI certification. All contracted trainers who deliver courses for the Training Service do so currently under the Transitional Quality Assurance System (TQAS), and contracted trainer delivery is monitored on a monthly basis at Training Services meetings.  All results are submitted to QQI through the Training Service, following the process of Internal Verification, External Authentication and Results Approval.

Adult Education

Each of the Adult Education Services (AES) is led by an Adult Education Officer (AEO). The AEO is supported by area co-ordinators. These include Adult Literacy Organisers and Community Education Facilitators who have responsibility for the day-to-day management of the schemes such as part-time Adult Literacy, Back to Education (BTEI) provision and Skills for Work programmes.  Other programmes, e.g.  Peace Projects, Programme for Employment, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) and English for Speaker of Other Languages (ESOL) are managed by programme co-ordinators who have responsibility for the day-to-day running of the courses which are delivered by the Adult Education Service. The AES delivers certified courses (mostly leading to QQI awards), as well as uncertified courses. Non-QQI programmes such as ICDL are delivered by Adult Education. Currently oversight of programme certification resides at service level but is reported through the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Governance structures.


The FET Director has overall responsibility for the six Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Youthreach centres. Each Youthreach Centre is managed by a Youthreach Co-ordinator who has the day-to-day management for the programme. Youthreach centres currently only deliver courses leading to QQI certification. Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board level oversight of QQI delivery is reported through the various Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board governance structures. Currently oversight of programme certification resides at centre level but is reported up to six times per year through the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Governance structures.


All FET centre/service managers report directly to the FET Director. They are supported in managing the quality of education and training by the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board QAES.  In most centres, a named person will have responsibility for managing assessments (entering learners into QBS, organising Internal Verification (IV), External Authentication (EA) etc. The title of this person varies. In Cavan Institute for example it is a Deputy Director. In Training Services, it is the QA Co-ordinator.  Oversight of the EA process is retained by the QAES.

All centres delivering QQI assessments operate IV and EA processes, and have Results Approval Panels (RAPs) which review the results of the aforementioned processes. Furthermore, these committees address any quality assurance issues which may have arisen in the course of the delivery and/or assessment process. IV, EA and RAP guidelines currently in use originated from FESS templates but have been adapted for use by Further Education, Adult Education and Youthreach services. The relatively new Training Service at CMETB and their contracted trainers use the documentation developed for the Transition of Quality Assurance System or TQAS.

All EA and RAP reports for QQI certification are reviewed through the CMETB QA subgroup which reports the findings centrally to the FET  Management and Quality Council and use them to inform new or revised processes in programme delivery.

Essentially, Quality Assurance takes place at a number of levels within Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board. A number of key clarifications are detailed as follows:

1 Centre Level Quality Management Approach

Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning is managed at centre level. This includes communications, teaching, assessment briefs, marking of learner evidence, feedback to learners, portfolio development and submission etc.

Learner recruitment, selection, induction, assessments, QBS entry, Internal Verification, External Authentication, Results Approval Panel, staff development and CPD, self-evaluation takes place at centre level also.

2 Cross Centre Quality Assurance

Programme Proposal and Approval, Appeals, PL&D scheduling, Self-evaluation processes, monitoring and reporting and continuous improvement are becoming increasingly centralised in Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board.

Image of the FET Reporting Structure at CMETB

Image of the FET Reporting Structure at CMETB

Following a  successful re-engagement process with QQI in May 2018, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board set about updating its FET governance structures. In place since early 2019, these governance structures enforce the separation of responsibility at all levels of management as evidenced above.

While ensuring the segregation of duties, these structures also highlight that quality is the responsibility of all within Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board and not a duty that is vested in one department or group of individuals. With the Chief Executive accountable to the Board of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board, much of the developmental work occurs at the ‘overseeing and approving’ and ‘reviewing/recommending and developing’ levels. This developmental work is then operationalised on a day-to-day basis at the ‘doing’ level.

How sub-groups feed the overall governance structure

Image of Quality Assurance sub-groups

Image of Quality Assurance sub-groups

In support of this governance structure, FET managers’ report to the Director of FET, who is assisted in the management and oversight of quality by the QAES Team.  The QAES Team has been fully operational since November 2017, although it was initially established in August 2015.

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board delivers a wide range of QQI programmes designed to lead to major and minor awards under the Common Awards System (CAS), the non-CAS framework and the Apprenticeship framework as well as delivering a variety of non-QQI accredited awards. The process for designing, developing and approving these are as follows: 

Programme Proposal Committee (PPC)

Image of Programme Design Process

Image of Programme Design Process

Should a centre wish to run a programme, a formal process of application through the Programme Proposal Committee must be undertaken. The Terms of Reference of the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Programme Approval Committee (PAC) include the following: reviewing applications submitted by Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board centres who wish to run a new course for the first time or those who wish to run a course which has not run in that centre in the last 3 years;  ensuring there is a considered rationale for a course and that capacity and resources of centres applying to the committee for course approval are demonstrated effectively to the committee; making decisions to recommend that programmes continue to development stage, and eventually to Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s Programme Approval Committee for validation;   reporting to Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board on course planning and approval  and   participating in monitoring activities that may be required of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board based on QA agreements.

Programme Approvals Committee

Image of Programme Approvals Process

Image of Programme Approvals Process


The Programme Approvals Committee (PAC) at Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board has as its remit to:  approve programme proposals for development; ensure the fair and accurate implementation of the process of evaluation of programmes; make decisions to recommend the programme for validation to QQI; report to Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board on programme evaluation and approval and to participate in QQI monitoring of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Programme Approval Agreement as required. This Committee comprises a representation across services to ensure comprehensiveness of the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board programme offer. The Committee is chaired by an independent external nominee, appointed by the QAES. It is envisaged that increased external representation will be a feature of this group going forward.

Both the PPC and PAC Committees meet approximately 3 times per year, contingent on demand.

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s core offering is to deliver QQI programmes developed to lead to major awards under the Common Awards System (CAS), the non-CAS system and Apprenticeships. In addition, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board offers a number of non-QQI awards, such as City and Guilds, FDQ, CompTIA, ITEC, CIBTAC, CIDESCO, SEC Trades and ATI amongst others. 

QQI Assessment Processes

As part of the QQI assessment processes, learners are provided with briefs appropriate to the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) level, for all assessments they are asked to undertake. These include details of the assessment task at hand, criteria and marking schemes and deadlines where appropriate. It is the learner’s responsibility to complete assessments and demonstrate their achievement of learning.  All learners are expected to sign statements of authenticity with respect to their assessments.  Academic integrity is very important to Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board. Formative and summative feedback, which occurs during and after assessment tasks, are crucial elements of effective teaching and learning within Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board and is delivered to learners in a timely manner.

The Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board assessment monitoring and quality assuring process involves an integrated and sequential approach incorporating the following: The integrity of assessment processes is monitored through the Internal Verification (IV) and External Authentication (EA) processes and approved by the respective Results Approval Panel (RAP).

Internal verification procedures check that assessments have been carried out in line with quality assurance procedures e.g.  that the correct assessment instruments have been used and that learner details and results are correctly entered on documentation and systems etc. In addition, a sample of learners’ marks are checked for accuracy  for each programme.

The External Authentication system is a core element of ensuring the quality and integrity of the assessment processes. It is the role of the External Authenticator (EA) to review the IV report to:

  • ensure that assessment has been undertaken in a quality assured manner
  • to review assessments to ensure that they have been assessed in a fair and consistent manner
  • to authenticate that the grades given are in line with the national standards for that level.
Image of Results of External Authenticator Visits

Image of Results of External Authenticator Visits

The Results Approval Panel (RAP) is a key part of the assessment process. It provides an opportunity for the management team within a centre to review the results of a given assessment period, identify issues arising out of the assessments, and decide on recommendations for future actions to be taken.

These IV/EA and RAP procedures facilitate the fair and consistent assessment of learners and support academic decision-making which reflects the interests of learners and the maintenance of quality standards.

Academic Appeals

Learners have the right to appeal their results for QQI awards, should they not agree with the assessment judgement that has been made. The appeals process for all Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board FET centres has been centralised and is now managed by Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s Quality Assurance & Enhancement Service across each of the 6 QQI assessment periods annually. Learners may have their assessment scripts reviewed by experienced appeals examiners who are independent of their centre. In the event that their appeal is upheld, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board informs QQI of the amended grade.

Non-QQI Assessment Processes

Non-QQI assessments are undertaken in line with the quality assurance regulations of the certifying body.

Assessment Regulations

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board has adapted a set of common ETBI assessment policies and regulations in line with its drive toward a centralised Quality Assurance System.  Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board has recently implemented a number of quality assured processes and procedures for the fair and consistent assessment of learners. The most up to date policies will appear on the CMETB website via the following link: www.cmetb.ie/publications-and-resources/t-policies/

The learning journey and ensuring it is a quality experience for all of our participants is core to our key performance objectives.

Becoming a learner or trainee at Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board


Learner admission occurs through a variety of referral routes via the Adult Guidance & Information Service (AGIS), Department of Social Protection (DSP) or by self-referral.

It is expected that any learner seeking to access a particular course would have the knowledge, skills and competencies at the level of the National Framework of Qualifications (http://www.nfq-qqi.com/) indicated in the prospectus for access on to that programme. Where the learner does not have a major award at the level indicated for access, life skills or work experience may be considered, as long as they possess the skills which would be required to allow them to participate successfully on the course.  It is the responsibility of the course coordinator or other identified staff member, to determine that a prospective learner has the knowledge, skill and competence to successfully participate on the course.

Prospective learners may attend an interview to assess their suitability for the course for which they are applying. The admissions interview is usually conducted by the Course Coordinator, Recruitment Officer, Guidance Counsellor or an experienced Teacher on the course. The purpose of the interview is to assess whether the learner meets the entry criteria for the course where these exist, or to facilitate the learner to find the course most suitable for their needs. Other, course specific, information is given to learners upon entry to the course.

Depending on the nature of the course, a learner whose native language is not English may be asked to provide evidence of standard on the Common European Framework of Reference for English Language (CEFREL).


On commencing a course in Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board, learners have an induction session/s in which they receive general information about the centre, as well as course-specific information such as modules to be covered, the course calendar and timetable, out-of-centre activities, assessments and assessment deadlines, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board attendance policies and procedures, assessment policies and procedures, supports available to learners, SUSI grants, code of conduct, complaints procedure, health and safety provision and other relevant information.

Ongoing Communications

Throughout the course or programme of study, learners are kept informed of activities and assessment requirements through briefs distributed in class, course notice boards, and where available, through  Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) and learner handbooks.

The Learning Experience and the Environment

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is committed to creating within its centres, a learning environment which in its physical, social, cultural and intellectual aspects allows learners to have a holistic learning experience, facilitating them to develop both personally and academically.

Learners participating on a course will be valued  and treated in a fair and respectful manner, in line with Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s commitment to equality.  Where possible or appropriate, centres organise activities to support a positive social and cultural learning environment through activities such as field trips or guest speakers. For example, learners in the Further Education colleges have access to activities organised by their college’s student council.

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is committed to the full implementation of the SOLAS developed Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Strategy. TEL has long been identified as a priority area for staff development within Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Further Education and Training (FET) Services and Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is committed to providing an ongoing and enhanced investment in technology-enhanced learning to support innovative teaching and learning practices. Actions under way include supporting the creation and sharing of digital resources for use in the classroom, use of Virtual Learning Environments, such as Moodle to support the learning experience, building staff capacity through Professional Learning & Development (PL&D), expanding the ICT infrastructure, and developing TEL Communities of Practice and networks.

Quality Assuring Work Experience and Work Placement

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board considers work experience as a very valuable part of the learning experience, allowing learners the opportunity to apply their learning in a real work environment.  As a result, most courses leading to a major award include a Work Experience/Work Practice module with a compulsory work placement.

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is equally committed to ensuring that the work-based learning environments that learners experience as part of these work placements are appropriate, safe, and positive for learners and employers that engage in them.  To this end, learner and employer engagement is closely monitored on an ongoing basis.

In addition, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board strives to offer some learners the opportunity to complete work placement abroad, thereby gaining international experience.  This is supported through active engagement with the EU funded Erasmus+ programmes.

Giving Feedback on the Learning Experience

Image of Learner Feedback

Image of Learner Feedback

Learner feedback is an essential element to the life cycle of a course within Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board. Feedback is encouraged both informally through interactions with the teaching staff and formally through the evaluations undertaken on learner experience throughout their engagement on the programme.

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board also conducts an annual Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board-wide learner survey and supports the finding of this with a Learner Advisory Network and a Learner Advisory Forum.

Learner Grievances

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board has a published Customer Service Charter. In it, CMETB sets out the terms of reference for accessible, timely and  easy to use complaints procedures for both its external and internal customers, including its learners. This is published on the website as CMETB Customer Service Charter.

There is also a CMETB Code of Practice for dealing with Complaints be they complaints made by Parent/s/Guardian/s of a Learner or by a Learner (over 18) currently enrolled in a school/centre, against a staff member employed by Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board.

In addition, within each centre there are internal channels to support and deal with complaints by learners and other stakeholders.

For detailed information regarding policies and procedures relating to the learning experience in a particular centre, please contact the centre directly.  As new policies and procedures are developed that are common to all Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board centres, they will be published.

Image of Staff Recruitment Process

Image of Staff Recruitment Process

The calibre and professionalism of our delivery teams are key to quality assuring our programme provision. All Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board courses are delivered by suitably qualified staff, with Teaching Council recognition as appropriate.  All staff are hired in line with Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board HR protocols.

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is committed to ensuring all staff have access to Professional Learning & Development (PL&D) thereby enabling Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board to grow as a learning organisation.  This includes facilitating staff to enhance their skills, update competencies, explore modern teaching methods and collaborate with colleagues. Teaching Staff are encouraged to engage in a range of communities of practice/national fora etc. to bring learnings in best practice back into Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board and present these to their peers.

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board has developed a mentoring programme aimed at providing guidance and support to new teaching/tutoring staff.  In addition to fulfilling Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board staff support, Quality Assurance and risk management obligations this programme provides new staff with a structured support mechanism which has enhanced Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s Quality Assurance Processes.

Image of CMETB Learner Supports

Image of CMETB Learner Supports

Throughout all centres in Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board, learners are encouraged, upon application for admission, to disclose any special needs or disabilities they may have, for appropriate supports or reasonable accommodations to be put in place to maximise their experience of learning with Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board. Where such a disclosure is made, a suitable staff member will meet the learner to discuss the nature of the supports that may be required.  Ongoing training and supports are provided to Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board staff to ensure appropriate and relevant service is available to the learner or trainee regarding their specific need.

Every reasonable effort is made to support learners with differences, either before admission or once they have started on the course. Such differences might include prior learning or experience, maturity, differing capabilities or other. In this case, the supports needed will be agreed in consultation with the learner.  However, not all support needs may be able to be met within the physical, financial and staffing restrictions within which the centre and Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board must operate.

The range of supports that can be provided to a learner or trainee may vary from centre to centre, depending on the resources and facilities that are available for an individual’s needs. Learners and trainees can enquire in their own FET centre or directly from the Programme Manager as to what resources are available.

Guidance for Learners and Trainees

Guidance and Counselling referral services are available in both Further Education colleges. Within the Adult Education Service, the Adult Guidance and Information Service provides support and guidance to learners on making informed decisions around access, transfer and progression into and out of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board programmes. In Youthreach centres and training centres, this support is primarily provided by the course coordinators, teaching staff or contracted training officers.

Learner Engagement

Both FE colleges have a Student Council and class representative in place and learners are also represented on the Board of Management for each FE college.  An instructional leadership programme in place in Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board demonstrates instructional techniques which teachers can use to support the intellectual, physical, behavioural, social and cultural engagement of learners on Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board programmes.

Learner Feedback

Learner feedback is encouraged both formally and informally on the learner’s experience throughout their engagement on the programme.  This is an opportunity to consolidate this information, particularly across shared curriculum, to further enhance Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board endeavours around consistent conformance to learner expectations.

Learner Complaints Procedures

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board has a published Customer Service Charter which sets out the terms of reference for accessible and timely complaints procedures for both internal and external customers including learners.

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is committed to the full implementation of the SOLAS Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy.

Image of learners in a computer classroom

Image of learners in a computer classroom

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board operates a number of data management systems in support of our provision.   In order to ensure institution-wide quality assurance procedures for collecting, analysing and using relevant information about programmes and other activities, CMETB have implemented Data Protection Policies in order to comply with legislation, most notably GDPR, and have a Compliance Officer charged with overseeing the associated processes.

Access to databases is by named and authorised personnel only for the purposes of data entry and for reporting, as appropriate, at local centre, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board or National level.

Learners are informed of their rights to request data pertaining to their individual record. For details of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s Freedom of Information process, please click here.

Image of Word Cloud related to Self-Evaluation

Image of Word Cloud related to Self-Evaluation

Quality Assurance at Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is supported by our continuous improvement processes including self-evaluation and monitoring.

The courses on offer across our centres, and the modules delivered on them are reviewed at the end-of-course evaluation at centre level. These evaluations are key, providing an opportunity to evaluate assessment loads, assessment methods, modules offered and other aspects of course delivery.  After this information share, amendments are made taking into consideration learner, staff and employer feedback.

Internal Verification processes provide an opportunity to monitor the assessment processes, while the External Authentication process and the Results Approval Panel (RAP) meeting provides opportunities for the monitoring of results and any specific issues arising from that particular assessment period.

Image of Internal Verification Process

Image of Internal Verification Process

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board has continued to monitor and develop its Quality Assurance processes and procedures.  The most recent publication of progress reporting can be located in the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Self Evaluation Report 2021 (see above)

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is involved in several collaborations with a variety of stakeholder groups.  These include the following:


SOLAS is responsible for the funding of a wide range of FET programmes within the ETB sector and is therefore one of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s key stakeholders. Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board submits an annual service plan to SOLAS, which includes performance targets, such as inputs, outputs, certification etc., and reports on these targets to SOLAS three times a year.  In addition, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board reports to SOLAS on all associate financial matters.  This joint planning process will be further integrated into the Strategic Dialogue System.

Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is a legacy provider for QQI, currently operating under four QA agreements.  Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is actively working towards integration of provision under one QA Agreement. In addition to delivering QQI certification across 14 centres, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board has also worked closely with QQI in several working groups and pilot projects as well as engaging in a range of sectoral consultation processes. 

Non QQI Awarding Bodies

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board has several agreements with non QQI Awarding Bodies such as City & Guilds, Edexcel, NEBOSH, FDQ, Pearson etc.   In addition, it has a number of industry specific awards including CIDESCO, CIBTAC, ITEC, IAOT, ATI, CPA, IPA, Cisco and the State Examinations Commission.

Department of Social Protection (DSP)

The DSP works closely at a local level with Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board centres and colleges and is the primary referral agency for courses run in Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board training services. An interagency agreement between Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board and the DSP is in place to manage this relationship.

Contracted Training

Contracted Training is a procured service to deliver training on behalf of the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board training centres.  Successful contractors who win a tender may work with Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board training centres for up to four years. When delivering training on behalf of a training centre, they do so under the training centre’s QA agreement.

Community Education

Community Education refers to adult education and learning, generally outside the formal education sector, with the aim of enhancing learning and empowering learners to participate in civic society.  The purpose of this scheme is to assist community and voluntary groups to deliver a range of educational activities for disadvantaged adults within their community.

Local Training Initiatives

Local Training Initiatives (LTI’s) provide vocational training opportunities, learning supports and project-based learning to marginalised learners, aged 16-35 years with low-level education, who have been referred by the DSP.  The LTI’s QQI certification is processed through the Training Services QA System (TQAS system).

Specialist Training Providers

Specialist Training Providers, such as the National Learning Network, address the identified training needs of people with disabilities or impairments who are experiencing exclusion and labour market disadvantage.


Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board has collaborative relationships with a range of employers in the two counties and have developed traineeships in association with Entekra and Combilift.   Skills for Work programmes are delivered to local industry employees including manufacturing, hospitality and farming.

European FET projects/Peace projects

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Adult Education continue to apply for delivery of Peace and PEIL funded programmes in both Cavan and Monaghan.

Image of person in a library

Image of person in a library

The Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board website provides a range of clear, up-to-date and accessible public information relating to Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board and the services it provides.

In particular, the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board website publishes information under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Publication Scheme. This scheme is designed to facilitate the provision of information to the greatest extent possible, except for information exempted under the Act.  Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board has regard to the public interest in:

  1. allowing public access to information held by the FOI body.
  2. the publication of reasons for decisions made by the FOI body; and
  3. publishing information of relevance or interest to the general public in relation to its activities and functions generally.

Information published under the scheme is regularly reviewed and updated by members of the Corporate Services team. To find out more about CMETB’s FOI Publication Scheme, please click here.

To find out more about Public Sector Information in Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board visit our Re-use of Public Sector Information section.

Information relating to available education and training programmes delivered by Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is available through the Further Education and Training Course Hub (FETCH).

Partnership and collaborating relationships, strengthen the range of provision offered to our learners.

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board FET centres and services engage in a wide range of collaborative activities for a variety of reasons and purposes.

Collaboration with Partners

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board FET centres and services have a number of co-operation and collaboration agreements in place with partner organisations. Amongst the aims of these agreements are to increase learner progression opportunities from these centres/services to the respective partner organisation while supporting the learner to make such a transition. Such agreements currently exist with:

  • Athlone Institute of Technology
  • Dundalk Institute of Technology
  • Letterkenny Institute of Technology
  • St Angela’s College, Sligo
  • Sligo Institute of Technology

as well as arrangements with a number of UK based institutions.

Collaboration with other FET Providers

Both Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Further Education colleges are members of the North East Further and Higher Education Alliance (NEFHEA) which includes all PLC providers in the North East region together with DKIT. The aim of the alliance is to enable easier access to higher education and to support seamless progression from Further to Higher Education. Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board is also represented on the FET2HE Network which aims to develop pathways from FET to HE by a regional cluster of education partners. Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board FET centres and services are represented on a number of national fora including the ETBI QA Forum, PLSS National Advisory Committee, ETBI PLC Principals Forum and Training Centre Managers Forum.

Collaboration with other awarding bodies

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board FET centres and services have quality assurance agreements in place presently with a range of awarding bodies including:

  • City and Guilds of London Institute
  • ITEC
  • FDQ
  • BTEC/EDEXCEL/Pearson
  • Microsoft Office Specialist
  • CompTIA
  • IATI
  • Accounting Technicians Ireland (ATI)
  • Department of Education – Junior and Senior Trades (Hairdressing) – SEC
  • Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU)

Where these agreements exist, assessments are undertaken in line with the quality assurance regulations of the certifying body. Details of the assessment related processes can be obtained, by learners, from the relevant Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board FET centre/service.

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