Local Arts in Education Partnership 

Local Arts in Education Partnership 

The “Arts in Education Charter” articulates and promotes the essential role of the arts in education, enabling students to be successful in school life and work. 

One of the 5 Pillars of the Clár Éire Ildánach/Creative IrelandProgramme 2017 – 2022  is to: Enable the Creative Potential of Every Child.  Devising an integrated implementation plan for arts in education is a priority for Creative Ireland. 

Implementation of the objectives of the charter and Creative Ireland requires the partnership and collaboration of arts, education, business, philanthropy and government, that have a national scope and impact as well as state and local partnerships that promote educational policies supportive of arts in education. 

Please find link to “Arts in Education Charter” – Arts in Education Charter 


The rationale for the establishment and development of a LAEP in the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board region is to nurture and support new relationships that will develop a shared responsibility for the delivery of arts in education that embraces visual, performing and literary arts. 

Image of Arts in Education Logo
Image of Arts in Education Logo

Goals and Objectives 

Goals and Objectives 

As lead partner in the Local Arts in Education Partnership, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board will, in partnership with Cavan County Council and Monaghan County Council: 

  • Nurture partnership development with a shared responsibility for the delivery of arts in education practice 
  • Develop Monaghan Education Campus as a hub / centre of excellence for Arts in Education within Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board 
  • Develop and deliver an annual programme that engages children and young people from early years, primary, junior, transition and senior cycle students 
  • Cultivate new partnerships and joint ventures between professional artists, arts organisations, cultural institutes, local authority arts officers and other arts providers but within existing financial supports 
  • Foster ARIS – Arts Rich Schools, by encouraging and recognising schools that place the arts at the centre of the school community 
  • Develop continuing professional development (CPD) to achieve high quality arts in education experiences for all involved 
  • Foster and support creativity and ownership 
  • Ensure effective communication 
  • Enhance learning and evaluation 
  • Support learning, evaluation and monitoring as an integral part of the new LAEP and provide flexible boundaries for change where required 

Guiding Principles

The Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board LAEP provides an opportunity for establishing an inter-agency approach to enable and facilitate discussion and implementation of Arts in Education policy development, through partnership collaboration and co-operation. The following 5 areas have been identified as key in order to develop the Partnership: 

  1. Representation 
  2. Strategy 
  3. Structure and Terms of Reference 
  4. Sustainability 
  5. Evaluation 


Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board proposes the development of a LAEP within the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board Region. A Steering Committee will be established. The Core Steering Committee will initially comprise: 

  • Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (Lead Partner) 
  • Cavan County Council and Monaghan County Council 
  • Teacher Education Centre (Cavan and Monaghan) 

The Committee will be expanded to include larger representation. This approach is vital to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are included and in order to ensure buy-in, legitimacy, sustainability and relevance to the local community which the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board LAEP serves. Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board recognises the various contributions that partner organisations can bring to the table in terms of assisting the development of the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board LAEP, e.g. educational supports, artistic supports, arts-in-education continuous professional development (CPD) programme supports, financial supports, operational and implementation supports. 



Joanne Brennan, Arts Education Officer

A: The Garage Theatre, Monaghan Education Campus, Knockaconny, Monaghan
T: 047 39777
E: joannebrennan@cmetb.ie