Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information

The FOI Act provides the following statutory rights:  

  • the right to access records held by public bodies covered by the Act  
  • the right to have personal information in a record amended where such information is incomplete, incorrect or misleading  
  • the right to obtain reasons for decisions taken by public bodies affecting the person.  

The Act distinguishes between personal and non-personal information. You can access your personal information regardless of when it was created if it is still in existence. You can only access non-personal information/records created on or after 21 April, 2008.  

How to Apply

If you wish you can use the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s standard FOI Application Formto make your request . 

If you wish you can make your request in Irish using the standard FOI Application Form As  Gaeilge . 

If you have a specific question on making an FOI request to this Department, please visit our Freedom of Information Frequently Asked Questions FAQs. 

For more comprehensive information on Freedom of Information including the text of the FOI Acts, please visit the FOI Central Policy Unit website.

Image of a woman smiling and handing over a document
Image of a woman smiling and handing over a document

Important Notes

When making your request, you should state that you are making your request under the FOI Act.  

You should also be as specific as possible to enable the information to be identified easily and, if possible, indicate the time-frame which applies to your request e.g. between May 2019 – December 2019. 

Also, if possible, try to specify the operational areas of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board which you feel would be most relevant to your request e.g. Human Resources Department, Corporate Services Department, Payroll, Land and Buildings Department, School or Centre. 


You should make your request to:

The Freedom of Information Officer
Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board
Administration Centre
Market Street


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